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 Quoi ? Ce point

Scores and discs published by music composer Eliane Aberdam

CD Bradshaw Awaiting the sun, collaboration I
Music by Aberdam, Bradshaw, Juusela & Schmitz
Ref BC 1801, Beauport Classical Distributor
Trio "Sans faiblir la nuit attend le soleil" (Without weakening, the night awaits the sun, a line from a poem by Marina Tsvetaieva), refers to war (night), and to the spurt of art and literature after the war (sun).

pour piano solo. CD included
Edtions Delatour, France, Editor
Ref DLT1571 ISMN M-2321


pour piano solo
Manabu Takasawa, piano
Edtions Delatour, France, Editor
Ref DLT1571
ISMN M-2321
Sans faiblir

Sans faiblir la nuit attend le soleil, Trio pour violon, violoncelle et piano. CD included
Edtions Delatour, France, Editor
Ref DLT1572
ISMN M-2321

Sans faiblir la nuit attend le soleil, Trio pour violon, violoncelle et piano
Anne Danis, violon
Christine Harrington, violoncelle
Manabu Takasawa, piano
Edtions Delatour, France, Editor
Ref DLT1572
ISMN M-2321
Grisailles vaporeuses

Grisailles vaporeuses, Trio pour violon, violoncelle et piano. CD included.
Edtions Delatour, France, Editor
Ref DLT1573
ISMN M-2321

Grisailles vaporeuses, Trio pour violon, violoncelle et piano.
Anne Danis, violon
Christine Harrington, violoncelle
Manabu Takasawa, piano
Edtions Delatour, France, Editor
Ref DLT1573
ISMN M-2321
Tete à tete

Tête à tête
pour violon et piano
CD included
Edtions Delatour, France, Editor
Ref DLT1574
ISMN M-2321

Tête à tête
pour violon et piano
Manabu Takasawa, piano
Edtions Delatour, France, Editor
Ref DLT1574
ISMN M-2321

Created by Daniel Aberdam. Thanks to Catherine Heyman for her help when building this site