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 Quoi ? Ce point

Music Theater, by Eliane Aberdam

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2015 : The Heart of Shahrazad, a music theatre production by Amiche, with Lara Cottrill (soprano), Sarah Carleton (actress), and Marissa Knaub (harpist) Performed in the Founder's Room at the Carnegie Museum - 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213 - on August 13, 2015.
1998 2000 : Le Chant du Peuple Juif Assassiné, for clarinet, violin, piano and two readers. Text: Yiddish poem by Yitzhak Katzenelson Version I premiered in Grenoble with the Trio de Savoie, April 24, 1998. Version II performed at the Yiddish Festival in Strasbourg, France, November 7, 2000

Created by Daniel Aberdam. Thanks to Catherine Heyman for her help when building this site